What is it?
Non-invasive body contouring is not meant to be a weight-loss solution, however, it does permanently eliminate fat cells, tightens loose and sagging skin, smooths out fine lines and wrinkles, diminishes stubborn cellulite, stretch marks and scars, all while contouring the body into a more desired shape.
Different modalities do different things, and depending on your treatment plan, you may experience 2 or more at each appointment!
Vibration therapy causes the whole body to shake, which "wakes up" the lymphatic system, and ultimately leads to a better lymphatic flow, which is crucial for excreting the broken down fats and toxins from your body session.
Laser Lipo has been proven to efficiently reduce fat cells and cellulite. This service introduces cold red laser to the skin and penetrates underneath, causing fat cells to open up and leak out its contents. When receiving this treatment, you wont feel a thing!
Ultrasonic Cavitation was designed to reduce localized fat by applying safe levels of ultrasound energy to a targeted area of subcutaneous fat, breaking it down to a liquid state, disposed of through the lymphatic system. It is also one of the only technologies available that, over a course of treatments, can show you results just as effective as those you expect from liposuction or surgery, but without any of the downtime!
Radio Frequency is also referred to as skin tightening. This treatment is used for cellulite and wrinkle reduction, it improves loose or sagging skin, and can help diminish the appearance of stretch marks and scars. RF brings the skin surface to 104 degrees, and heats the lower levels of the skin to trick the brain into thinking there's an injury, causing increased collagen production and tightening of elastin fibers. Results are tighter, smoother looking skin.
Vacuum therapy is where body shaping comes into play by using a suction/release method. It offers an effective solution to fight cellulite in all stages, reduces localized fat and reshapes the body. A vacuum is created around the area, lifting the cellulite away from the muscle, thus encouraging blood flow, stimulating lymphatic drainage, and redirecting fats to create a more desired body shape.
Is it safe?
Safe, proven & effective! However, when receiving any type of treatment, there's always a risk of side effects. Most clients report little, to no side effects at all. Any side effect reported was mild, and included redness, swelling, bloating, bruising, and skin sensitivity (bumps or rash). Most of these side effects should go away with in a few hours after treatment if they do happen to occur.
Does it hurt?
Nope! The procedure is completely noninvasive, which means there are absolutely no needles or incisions and no pain or recovery time. You can expect to hear ringing in the ears when ultrasonic cavitation is being used, a warm sensation with radio frequency, and light tugging of the skin with vacuum/shaping therapy, all of which can be used at different levels. If using the vibration plate, different intensities ranging from 1-99 can be used. The entire experience is truly tailored to what you're most comfortable with.
Does it really work?
YES! The science and technology is there, and with out putting you through Body Contouring 101, most of these techniques are FDA approved and have shown proven results.
How long does a session take?
Depending on your treatment plan, a session can take anywhere between 45 minutes and 2 hours.
The average session takes 1 hour and 30 minutes.
How many sessions will i need?
Not one body is the same, and depending on your lifestyle and goals, anywhere from 4-12 sessions will be recommended. You can, however, expect to see results anywhere from .25 inches-4 inches reduced PER session based on 2 measurements. Results do vary, and you can play a very big role.
How soon will I see results?
Sessions 1-3 I can promise measurement change on the tape measure. Sessions 4 and over you and others will see a visible difference to the eye. Some clients can see a visual change just after the first session alone. This is meant to be a gradual change, and will not be as dramatic or noticeable as an invasive surgery.
How often can I be treated?
These treatments can be preformed every 72 hours, however, if being used strictly for skin tightening, every 7-10 days is recommended.
What should I wear?
Something loose fitting & comfortable!
Topicals used throughout your session may get on your personal clothing, because of this, disposable undergarments will be made available to you.
A body wrap or waist trainer is highly recommended to be worn after your treatment.
Who is the ideal client?
An ideal client is someone 10-25 pounds within their goal weight, wanting to target specific areas such as chin, tummy fat, love handles, flanks, inner thighs, “bat wings”, saddlebags, and/or bra rolls.
Ideal clients specifically interested in skin tightening treatments should only have mild to moderate sagging/rippling/wrinkling of the skin.
Although not required, practicing healthier habits, and committing to a healthier lifestyle will only help accelerate results.
Who shouldn't receive this treatment?
Unfortunately, body sculpting is not for everyone.
If any of the following apply to you, you may not be able to receive services:
Pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or nursing
Immunodeficiency, lupus, or tuberculosis
Active cancer or less than 5 years in remission
Currently undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immune therapy, or taking any chemo/cancer related pharmaceuticals
Photosensitive to sun exposure or currently on any medications that would cause photosensitivity
Numb or insensitive to heat
Ever undergone an organ transplant
Uncontrolled diabetes or high blood pressure
Any kind of heart, liver, or kidney condition
Blood clotting condition
Cosmetic, metal, or medical implants in the desired treatment area
Things that may affect your ability to schedule right away:
Recent surgery or scars in treatment area (must wait at least 6 months from procedure, incision, or injury)
Botox in treatment area (must wait at least 3 months)
IPL, laser hair removal, or hair removal creams in treatment area (must wait 2 weeks)
Dermal fillers in treatment area (must wait 2 weeks)
Currently taking an antibiotic (must wait until course is completed)
Currently on menstrual cycle (must wait until completed to avoid prolonging, or causing heavier bleeding and/or cramping)
Sunburn in treatment area (must wait at least 10 days)
Metal implants located near the treatment area